
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ơ, mất điện à . . .

Sáng ra đọc báo, thấy người ta lấy chồng cưới vợ, mình thì vẫn cặm cụi đi đi về về. Buồn!
Lên công ty chị kế toán hôm nay nghỉ, thế là chưa có lương. Buồn!
Chiều về tính chạy xe đường hẻm cho đỡ kẹt, thế mà rúc vô hẻm càng kẹt. Tới không kịp mà thoái lui cũng không xong. Buồn!
Cuối tuần đi chơi với người yêu, chở nàng ra tới công viên thì trời đổ mưa cái rào. Buồn!
Đám bạn hay cùng ăn chơi nhảy múa giờ đi đâu mất, hết rủ rê la cà. Buồn!
Kinh tế suy thoái, vàng lên không kịp mua, bên Nauy và Ấn Độ vừa có đánh bom, loạn cả lên. Buồn!
Buổi tối gần đi ngủ thì con khóc, nhà bên cạnh hai vợ chồng lại cãi nhau. Buồn!

Buồn . . buồn . . buồn

Bỗng dưng muốn buồn.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Where's my pan !!!!

Man’s mission is conquering the world. But at first, he must be the house’s owner.

Let’s return the 1950s decades and even further. Men with their career proved status in society. And in family, they were bosses, of course. They had the rights in every corner of the house. But they were also very kind and generous to leave the kitchen for women. Since then, the kitchen was a luxurious concept that men didn't want to mention. They also saw kitchen as mysterious as women.

But it is only in the past, and time has changed things!

Women is increasingly encroaching out to the social field, gradiently confirming their positions. Initiation may be small, but growing, and there are no signs of stopping. Also in the house, where a man owned, what's going on? Wife is keeping all the money as a bank. Furniture, women is shopping, and of course, men will carry. When a lamp gets burnt, women immediately hire the "house’s owner" to fix. The cost is some lovingly words and glass of hand-squeezed orange juice. With infant, men can not win the rights. . . lactation, and sometime become horse riding for children to play. But most serious, day by day, men still seated at the table, expecting women to donate their meal.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Special High Intensity Training

The manager of supply chain for Unilever VietNam has said about his group's slogan: AAA, tripple A. That is Active, Attitude, Aggressive - not sure if I remember correctly. Supply chain industries in the world also have another triple A, is: Agile, Adaptable, Align. But three or four letters A, or even without A, anything changed, so the earth still revolves.
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